850 Tapscott Rd

LocationRouge E11, M1X 1N4
$999K For Sale
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Two industrial/office/retail units combined to form one ~1887 SF space on ground floor. Extensive legal mezzanine buildout almost doubling the useable space not included in the total square footage. Total useable area approximately ~3700 SF. Mezzanine can be easily removed for extra clearance height. Floor drains available. Ideal for unique businesses including research and development, laboratory, light manufacturing or assembly of small goods, possible ancillary retail (20%), art studio, pet services and professional offices requiring additional storage. Easily subdivided. Also available for lease.


  • Business Type
  • Commercial Total Area
    Total Area: 1,887 sqft
  • Commercial Office Area
    Office Area: 944 sqft
  • Commercial Industry Area
    Industry Area: 944 sqft
  • Commercial Parking Types
    Parking Types: None
  • Commercial Ceiling Heights
    Clear Heights: 8


  • Commercial Zoning
    Zoning: E.07
  • Tax Amount
    Tax: $ 4,547
  • Commercial Condo Maintenance
    Maintenance: $ 609
  • MLS
  • Listing contracted with: KOLT REALTY INC.
