Turn Key operation, well established burrito franchise business available, located in a high populated area with great exposure, tons of traffic daily, fully renovated, well known franchise, sales are 35K per month as per seller, monthly rent of $7500, great net profits, seating of 44 in the store, great opportunity to be your own boss. LRT coming soon in front of the plaza, sales to be discuss with seller, Anchor, Big box, stores like Costco, Pet Value, TD Bank in the same plaza.
- Category: Restaurant
- Total Area: 2,000 sqft
- Retail Area: 2,000 sqft
- Seats: 44
- Parking Types: Outside/Surface
- For Sale: Business Only
- Zoning: Commercial
- Business Hours: 10am-11
- Opening Days: 7
- Alcohol Allowed: N
- Total Employees: 4
- E9252438
- Listing contracted with: RE/MAX PRESIDENT REALTY