A well Established orthotics, medical supplies and chiropractic clinic with a loyal client base of 200+ active clients prime location with steady foot traffic. Monthly Revenue $30,000+. Very Low Monthly Rent $2,365+HST including electricity with 5 Years Lease. Financial Statement available for Serious Buyer. Practices : Orthotics, Medical Services. Practitioners: Chiropodist & Chiropractor
- Category: Medical/Dental
- Total Area: 0 sqft
- Retail Area: 835 sqft
- Seats: 5
- Parking Types: Plaza
- Clear Heights: 10
- Zoning: Commercial
- Business Hours: 9-6
- Opening Days: 7
- Alcohol Allowed: N
- Total Employees: 1
- Features: Public Transit
- W1195159
- Listing contracted with: SUTTON GROUP - REALTY EXPERTS INC.