Exceptional opportunity to own a retail condo unit in prime industrial retail node of Vaughan. Located on 'Builders Row' with excellent visibility, great neighboring tenant mix and location profile. Approx 1,197 total square footage. Ideal for showroom with light industrial/shop uses. Impressive curbside appeal / anchor units and facade at front of condo complex extensively renovated. N/A
- Category:
- Total Area: 1,197 sqft
- Industry Area: 838 sqft
- Total Parkings: 2
- Parking Types: None
- Bathrooms: 1
- Clear Heights: 18
- Vehicle Capacity: 1
- Grade Level: 1
- Zoning: General Employment
- Tax: $ 3,941
- Maintenance: $ 364
- Features: Public Transit
- N1040662
- Listing contracted with: MFS REALTY SERVICES INC.