Well established Cash Shop Business with Payday loan license and pawn loan license. Located In Very Busy Plaza With Good Exposure. Multiple Services Such As Pay Day Loans, Cash For Gold, Western Union Etc. Lots Of Potential To Add Many Other Services. Short Hours Working Monday to Friday 10am-5pm, Low rent $3505 including tmi and hst, lease until 2028 plus option to renew. extra income $750 monthly from the sub lease. Could be converted to another type of business, such as a school or similar.
- Category: Service Related
- Total Area: 1,200 sqft
- Office Area: 700 sqft
- Retail Area: 500 sqft
- Seats: 1
- Parking Types: Plaza
- Bathrooms: 1
- Grade Level: 1
- Zoning: Commerical
- Tax: $ 2
- Business Hours: 7
- Opening Days: 5
- Alcohol Allowed: N
- Total Employees: 1
- N1188862
- Listing contracted with: HOMECOMFORT REALTY INC.