Beautiful And Spacious Multidisciplinary Clinic For Sale In Busy Plaza With A Lot Of Foot Traffic. Great Location! Many Services Provided. Registered Massage Therapy, Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Compression Hosiery, Orthotics, Bracing, Shockwave Therapy And More. Big Client Base And Next Door To Walk-In Clinic. 1.25 + 5 Years Remaining On Lease. Seller Willing to stay for training or to work. Financial documents and equipment list available upon request. Fully Licensed Business. Reception And Waiting Area. 3 Washrooms. Existing Patient List. All Furniture And Equipment Included.
- Category: Medical/Dental
- Total Area: 2,376 sqft
- Retail Area: 2,376 sqft
- Parking Types: None
- Zoning: Commercial
- Business Hours: 11-8
- Alcohol Allowed: N
- Total Employees: 1
- N9018546
- Listing contracted with: MOVE UP REALTY INC.